• Tiny Stories Contest: Calling all everyone 16 and older: Coquitlam Public Library is having a Tiny Stories Contest. Pack vivid descriptions, original characters and surprising plot twists into a narrative small enough to fit in a paragraph. For rules and examples, go to Contest closes June 30.
• Summer Reading Club for Adult Learners: All adults at an intermediate ESL reading level or LINC Level 4 and up can join CPL’s Adult Learner Summer Reading Club. Between June 20 and July 28, members will read books at your ESL level in English and write a short review for each book, saying why you liked it or why you didn’t. Each time you give us a book review, you will have a chance to win a prize. If you read a lot of books, you will have a better chance of winning. If you read five books in English and write five short book reviews by July 28, you will receive a certificate of participation. To register, go to the City Centre branch Ask-Me Desk or the Poirier branch information desk.
For more information about any of these programs, visit The City Centre branch is located at 1169 Pinetree Way and the Poirier branch at 575 Poirier St.
• Philosopher’s Café — Genomics: What does genomics mean to you? How do you see yourself making use of genomic information for your health and life choices? Join the discussion facilitated by Ryan Morin, an SFU professor of molecular biology and biochemistry, on Wednesday, June 29 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the ParkLane Room.
• Summer Reading Club registration: Kids can sign up now for this year’s Summer Reading Program. Register at the library for this fun, free reading program to get your keepsake reading record, take part in lots of free programs and win great prizes.
For more information, visit or call 604-469-4577. Port Moody Public Library is located at 100 Newport Dr., in the city hall complex.
• Aquarium: Vancouver Aquarium’s AquaZone is coming to the Terry Fox Library this summer. Kids can examine and explore a wide variety of artifacts and some of the most hardy intertidal animals found in B.C. waters to discover the connection between animals, environments and ourselves. Everyone is welcome Friday, July 29, 2 to 2:45 p.m.
• Adult Learner Book Club: Make new friends, read interesting books and practice English in a fun environment at the Terry Fox Library. Adults upgrading their reading skills or learning English are welcome to join. The books discussed vary from ELSA Levels 2 to 5 according to the reading levels and interests of the group, which meets on the second Friday of the month. The next meeting is on July 8, 2:30 3:30 p.m.
For more information, visit or the Fraser Valley Regional Library Facebook page. Terry Fox Library is located 2470 Mary Hill Rd. in PoCo. Phone 604-927-7999.