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EDITORIAL: Common sense

He's your best friend and he's miserable without you. Besides, you'll only be a few minutes.

He's your best friend and he's miserable without you. Besides, you'll only be a few minutes.

If life were that predictable, there might almost - almost, but not really - be an argument for bringing Fido along on a quick run to the shops on a warm July afternoon.

If you knew for an undeniable fact that you would be away from your vehicle less than five minutes while you grabbed a bag of ice or maybe a six-pack to help take the edge off a sweltering summer's day, then maybe - just maybe, but not really - it would make sense to let Max hang out in the car and wait.

But as most of us have figured out, life rarely follows such a reliable schedule.

While that sounds like common sense, apparently common sense isn't enough, so cities such as Coquitlam have to institute large fines to keep people from putting their pets in danger.

- adapted from The Langley Times (Black Press)