Coquitlam was one of the hardest hit municipalities in Metro Vancouver during this week's blast of winter weather.
But the city's taxpayers will have to wait to see how much snow removal will cost them.
According to Environment and Climate Change Canada, Coquitlam saw an average of 28 cm of the white stuff, while staff said neighbourhoods at higher elevations, like Westwood Plateau, saw as much as 75 cm.
The weather has put pressure on municipal resources and the city said 17 trucks and all available crews were deployed to salt and plow roads.
"City crews made significant progress overnight in clearing the Priority 1 routes as well as Priority 2 routes to ensure that school zones and steep grades are in good condition," the city of Coquitlam said in a snow response update Thursday morning. "Crews will also start tackling the local roads and will continue working into the night on these areas."
The city also noted that plows would be clearing Wednesday's garbage routes so the waste could be collected Thursday. Residents with a scheduled pickup day of Thursday were expected to see their waste taken away Friday.
In the last week, the city has used 1,600 tonnes of salt to de-ice local roads and has so far plowed 429 lane-kilometres of Priority 1 routes.
"That's the equivalent of driving from Coquitlam to just outside of Portland, Ore.," said Kathleen Vincent, Coquitlam's manager of corporate communications.
But she said it is too early to know the full cost of road clearing resulting from this week's winter weather. Vincent added that invoices and staff time reports have yet to be submitted and a full picture of expenses will not be known for another four to six weeks.

Port Coquitlam crews have also been busy this week.
According to the city, 202 km of roads have been cleared along with 33 km of sidewalks. Another 233 bus stops were also shovelled and a total of 750 tonnes of salt has been used to de-ice roads so far.
"All Priority 1 and 2 routes are clear," said Dave Kidd, the city's public works manager. "We currently have trucks out touching up areas and responding to specific service requests as required. All priority sidewalks and parking lots will be completed by this afternoon."
He added that the solid waste collection schedule has been maintained and that all routes ware expected to be completed on schedule.
Lake Cowichan: 36 cm
Saanich: 30 cm
Coquitlam: 28 cm
Victoria: 22-28 cm
Sidney: 26 cm
North Vancouver: 14-25 cm
Victoria International Airport: 24 cm
Nanaimo: 21 cm
Chemainus: 21 cm
Surrey: 16-19 cm
Delta: 14 cm
Kitsilano: 11-14 cm