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What's love got to do with it?

Navigating the complexities and emotional turmoil of divorce is difficult enough but many adults don't know their rights or about alternatives to the court system for sorting out parenting and other issues arising from a relationship break-up.

Navigating the complexities and emotional turmoil of divorce is difficult enough but many adults don't know their rights or about alternatives to the court system for sorting out parenting and other issues arising from a relationship break-up.

To educate and inform families, the Tri-Cities Joint Family Court and Youth Justice Committee is hosting a forum called "What's love got to do with it" on Thursday, Oct. 17 at the David Lam campus of Douglas College.

The event will feature three speakers and breakout discussions on topics dealing with B.C.'s new Family Law Act. As well, participants will learn about alternatives to using the court system.


"This is an important issue as families struggle with the emotional toil of a breakup, the well-being and care for children, financial issues and so on," stated the committee chair in a press release. "Almost 80% of people who attend family court are unrepresented and try to manage through the court system on their own.

"We think this forum will provide valuable information on how people are best served when faced with this situation and how alternative strategies, such as collaborative divorce and family mediation, can help resolve a situation and allow the individuals involved to move on in their lives."

The forum runs from 7 to 9 p.m. in Room A1470 at the campus, located at 1250 Pinetree Way. Admission is free but registration is required. Register here.

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