With gardening season - and maybe warmer weather - here, Port Coquitlam residents will be able to bring their green waste bins to the curb every week for collection starting May 17.
Food scraps, yard trimmings, meats, bones and food-soiled papers such as pizza boxes can be thrown in the green cart as the city attempts to divert waste away from Lower Mainland landfills.
But with the warmer weather, bears and other critters can be a problem if people do not properly secure their waste bins. Carts must be located in an enclosure, like a garage, or secured with a city-approved bear lock. Bins can only be brought to the curb between 5:30 and 7:30 a.m. on collection days.
To minimize odours in a green cart, the city suggests:
wrapping food scraps in old newspaper or a used paper tower;
placing food scraps in a paper bag;
alternating layers of food scraps with layers of yard trimmings;
periodically rinsing out the cart with a hose, detergent and a water/vinegar solution;
sprinkling a small of amount of garden lime, baking soda or powdered laundry detergent (no bleach) in the cart;
and allowing grass clipping and leaves to dry before placing them in the cart.
For garbage, the city said bagging diapers and smelly items separately can also reduce smells.
The recent expansion of the green cart program means multi-family homes, such as townhouse and condo complexes, can also participate in the weekly pickup. Stratas that are interested in signing up for the initiative can do so by emailing [email protected] or by calling 604-927-5267.