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Sign up to take care of a street

The city of Coquitlam is targeting litter and scattered garbage in launching its Adopt-A-Street program this week.

The city of Coquitlam is targeting litter and scattered garbage in launching its Adopt-A-Street program this week.

School groups, non-profit organizations, businesses and neighbours are encouraged to adopt an area of municipal road and commit to keeping it litter-free.

The minimum length of an adoptable road is 1 km and groups are encouraged to commit to litter pickup once a month for at least one year.

"We see the program as a co-operative effort between the city and its citizens who want to help improve its appearance and become litter-free," Mayor Richard Stewart said in a city press release. "Few things diminish the beauty of a community more than scattered garbage and we want to eliminate this in Coquitlam."

Volunteers will be provided with information kits, including safety guidelines and litter pickup equipment. They will work under the guidance of the engineering and public works department.

All volunteers must fill out an application and the city will furnish and install two adopt-a-street signs at endpoints of the group's adopted street with their name and an acknowledgement of their commitment.

Those interested in registering a stretch of road are encouraged to go to for more information or email [email protected].

[email protected]