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Schoenborn does not want escorted leave

Child killer Allan Schoenborn has withdrawn his application for escorted day leave from the Forensic Psychiatric Hospital in Coquitlam after public outrage and pleas from his ex-wife Darcie Clark, who lives in the area.

Child killer Allan Schoenborn has withdrawn his application for escorted day leave from the Forensic Psychiatric Hospital in Coquitlam after public outrage and pleas from his ex-wife Darcie Clark, who lives in the area.

At a hearing at the hospital Thursday, Schoenborn's lawyer, Scott Hicks, read a statement from his client dated April 20 to the three-member B.C. Review Board. It read in part:

"I wish no further hardships towards Darcie. Her stability is paramount. Since the last hearing of April 5, 2011, I learned of her whereabouts and her poor condition through TV coverage. I'm seeking a strict custody order for these reasons. Thank you."

The panel heard that because of the media attention around Schoenborn's previous application for passes, the father who killed his three children in Merritt in 2008 had received threats while in care and was physically assaulted.

Schoenborn will not be allowed out on day-leave before his next review hearing 12 months from now.

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