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Royal Party, parade & Dr. Strangelove for Port Coquitlam May Days

The 96th annual celebrations end with Dr. Strangelove performing May 11, after the Rotary Parade.
Dr. Strangelove
The Vancouver dance band Dr. Strangelove performs at Leigh Square on Saturday, May 11 for the afternoon party after the Rotary May Days parade.


Dozens of elementary school students will dance around may poles Friday night to open May Days — the 96th time the city of Port Coquitlam has hosted the traditional fete.

And four children will be installed to assume their royal party honorary roles.

Last month, Aurora Muir of Coquitlam River elementary was named as this year’s May Queen while Riker Klym of Hope Lutheran Christian school was picked as the ambassador. They will be joined by Mary Hill elementary’s Kenzie Herrera, who won the spot of 1st Princess, and Jasper Michael Jose of James Park elementary, who was announced at the selection tea as the record bearer.

royal party

DRUMNDIRTY — aka Bobby James — will entertain at the ceremonies at the Port Coquitlam recreation complex. The event at 7:30 p.m. is open to the public; entry is free.

Festival committee chairperson Bob Lee, who has steered May Days for four years, said “Celebrating Spring, Its Colours and Emotional Attachments” is this year’s theme.

May Days is trip down memory lane for many families. “We have long-time residents who participated in May Days when they were a child,” he said. “Their childhood experiences were extraordinary and they want their children to have the same positive experience.”

The festival lineup in similar as in the past with Art Focus open its spring sale in The Outlet this weekend (see story page 55) and the Rotary parade on next Saturday at 11 a.m.; the Vancouver Police motorcycle drill team will display their talent in a pre-show at 10:30 a.m.

Entries are still coming in for the procession, Lee said, with nearly 100 clubs, businesses and VIPs signed up to walk down Shaughnessy Street and wave to the spectators.

Still, there are new components, too: Students from Riverside, Terry Fox and CABE secondaries will display their art in an exhibit titled Imaginings II, in the Michael Wright Art Gallery in the Gathering Place and The Outlet, until July 30; the reception is May 9 from 6 to 8 p.m.

As well, on May 10 at 7 p.m., the 80-member Choral Connections choir will take the stage at Leigh Square to sing Broadway hits. And, for the post-parade party on May 11, dance band Dr. Strangelove will liven things up with their cover tunes, artist Evann Siebens will launch her street banners while PoCo Heritage hosts a Mother’s Day tea in The Outlet from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

As for road closures, the area around Leigh Square will have limited access between May 10 and 12 while Shaughnessy Street — from Wilson Avenue to the underpass — plus Elgin Avenue, Mary Hill Road and Hawthorne to Tyner will be shut, from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the parade day.

The Coast Meridian Overpass and Maple Avenue will be open. Go to
