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Reaveley fundraising goal soars

Another fundraiser for the family of Charlene Reaveley, one of two women struck and killed in an alleged hit-and-run last month, has surpassed its fundraising goal.

Another fundraiser for the family of Charlene Reaveley, one of two women struck and killed in an alleged hit-and-run last month, has surpassed its fundraising goal.

Last Wednesday, it was Coquitlam's turn as the Cactus Club Cafe at Lougheed Highway and Schoolhouse Street took on the fundraising challenge.

"It was just so neat how the entire community stepped up," said the restaurant's general manager, Justin Kovats. "With Port Coquitlam having their event and then Port Moody had their event, we were the Coquitlam event that meant that the whole Tri-Cities contributed in some way."

And contribute they did, quickly overshooting their single-night goal of $20,000.

According to Kovats, the restaurant raised $27,500 for a trust fund for Charlene's husband Dan Reaveley and their four young children.

Approximately 110 admission tickets were sold to the Wednesday dinner event and another 40 "in-spirit" tickets were bought by people who donated without attending.

According to Kovats, Cactus Club staff worked for free, volunteering their time, wages and tips to the Reaveley fund while the restaurant prepared a special menu from which the cost of any items ordered would go directly to the Reaveley fund.

But the big money-maker of the night was a silent auction, which included among its 100-plus items a business-class trip around the world that raised $9,500 for the Reaveleys.

A free safe-ride program was available to guests, allowing those who consumed alcohol to be driven home in their own cars by sober volunteers.

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