Of all the things that were stolen during a break-in at Barb Dowding's Port Moody home, the item she wants back the most has little monetary value.
A Papal Medal Benemerenti she received from the Vatican in 2010 for her work with the Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver was one of her most prized possessions and was taken during last month's robbery. While the medal looked like it was made of gold, the only real value it had was the recognition it represented.
Dowding has been involved in the Catholic Women's League up to the national level and has been a prominent member of her church community.
"It is an award from the Holy Father," Dowding said. "You can't just go out and buy one. It is not replaceable."
Port Moody police are hoping the item is rare enough that it could draw some attention to the thieves if they try to sell it, she said. The medal was on the dresser in her bedroom when it was stolen and was taken along with several watches and a charm bracelet that belonged to her grandmother.
"Those things are more sentimental," she said. "You don't think of them being valuable in that sense."
The break-in occurred the afternoon of Nov. 28. Her husband returned home at 4:30 p.m. and she believes the thieves took off as he pulled his vehicle into the driveway.
Const. Luke van Winkel of PoMo Police Department said anyone with any information about the break-in is asked to call investigators at 604-461-3456 or email [email protected]. Those who wish to provide information anonymously can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or go to www.solvecrime.ca.