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Port Moody wants your input on parks and recreation

Port Moody residents love their recreation. On any given day, the bike and walking trails, the skate park, soccer fields and the iconic Rocky Point and Shoreline parks are full of people while the recreation complex parking lot is crammed with cars.

Port Moody residents love their recreation. On any given day, the bike and walking trails, the skate park, soccer fields and the iconic Rocky Point and Shoreline parks are full of people while the recreation complex parking lot is crammed with cars.

But could more be offered to meet residents' health, fitness and recreation needs?

That's the question consultants Urban Systems will be asking in a survey and at community meetings with park and recreation users this month.

"We're really trying to take a look at what priorities people have for recreation and park services," explained Ron Higo, general manager of community services.

Higo said Urban Systems was hired in November to update the city's 10-year-old Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Depending on the scope of people's requests, input could be incorporated into current recreation programming or could be part of discussions for the city's five-year budget plan.

"We're asking from the public what would they like to see offered within our facilities and that's what were looking to get," Higo said.

Among the groups to which the city is reaching out are pre-schools, arena user groups, adult fitness users, neighbourhood associations, sport field user groups, social and health service providers, seniors and the youth committee.

The city wants to determine residents' satisfaction levels with current services and tweaks or upgrades that should be taken care of over the long term.

In addition to meetings, the city has mailed out 3,600 letters to randomly selected residents asking them to participate in an online or printed survey. They have until March 7 to send in their responses.

Urban Systems will use the information to craft a draft report that will be presented to council and the public later this spring for feedback.


The next public meeting on PoMo's Parks and Recreation Master Plan is Monday, Feb. 24 in the Parkview Room at Port Moody city hall, 5 to 6:30 p.m. or 7 to 8:30 p.m. (residents are encouraged to choose their most convenient time and to register at [email protected] or 604-469-4557).

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