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Port Coquitlam: What's the best part of your neighbourhood?

Port Coquitlam residents have a chance to win a $150 gift card to any PoCo business by filling out a Complete Communities survey by July 2, 2024.

What would make Port Coquitlam a complete community?

The city is polling residents in an online survey — and those who respond have a chance to win a $150 gift card to a Port Coquitlam business of their choice.

The assessment, designed to look at the overall health and connectivity of the community, as well as to guide civic staff as they prepare the next Official Community Plan, asks residents questions like:

  • what makes your neighbourhood a great place to live, work and play?
  • how can your neighbourhood be improved?
  • what amenities are missing in your neighbourhood?
  • what’s the most important for a complete community?
    • housing
    • daily needs
    • transportation
    • infrastructure

The deadline to fill out the form is Tuesday, July 2, via the city website

Funding for the Complete Communities program comes from the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) as part of the provincial government’s Poverty Reduction Planning and Actions program.

Last year, Coquitlam received a $85,000 grant for its overview (of which half has been disbursed) while Port Coquitlam took in $150,000 (also, half disbursed to date).

In total, UBCM handed out $10 million to municipalities for the Complete Communities review.