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Paint poured into Port Coqutlam creek

The president of the Hyde Creek Watershed Society in Port Coquitlam is asking people to refrain from dumping paint or other potentially toxic materials down their storm drains after finding a milky-white substance in the hatchery pond on Saturday.

The president of the Hyde Creek Watershed Society in Port Coquitlam is asking people to refrain from dumping paint or other potentially toxic materials down their storm drains after finding a milky-white substance in the hatchery pond on Saturday.

Cliff Kelsey suspects the material was latex paint that someone dumped while painting their house but a quick tour of local storm drains failed to identify the culprit.

While none of the emerging fish fry were harmed when the contaminated water flowed through the hatchery tanks, Kelsey said the incident is a reminder that people should be careful of what they put down their storm drains.

"The concern is if you get anything else, a different kind of paint, for example, it will kill everything," Kelsey said.

Thing to keep out of creeks are:

used engine oil

dirty water from commercial carpet cleaning


other household and automotive cleaners

He is also concerned that people will start using pesticides to kill chafer beetles in their lawns, where the bugs are a tasty morsel for crows and raccoons that dig up the grass.

"People are starting to use some fairly toxic chemicals," Kelsey warned.

The proper time for dealing with chafer beetles is in early July and the cities are recommending an application of nematodes, which are microscopic worms that seek out the grubs and destroy them. Insecticides that are available, such as Grub Out containing Carbaryl, are banned in the Tri-Cities, because of its potential toxicity to fish and other beneficial insects.

In a recent Tri-City News story, gardener and nursery store owner Wim Vander Zalm suggested people start preparing for healthy lawns this spring and use nematodes for getting rid of chafer beetles this summer.
