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Nominate an outstanding volunteer in Port Coquitlam

Port Coquitlam residents have until March 9 to nominate their fellow community members for the Volunteer Recognition Awards, which honour people who have helped make their community a better place.

Port Coquitlam residents have until March 9 to nominate their fellow community members for the Volunteer Recognition Awards, which honour people who have helped make their community a better place.

Nominations are now being accepted in seven categories including arts, heritage and culture, caring and safety, environmental protection and enhancement, sports and recreation, youth programs and the lifetime volunteer award.

"Our volunteers provide a great service to our community with no expectation of reward," said Port Coquitlam Mayor Greg Moore. "Its important that we recognize them for the stars that they are and nominating them for a volunteer recognition award is a great start."

Nominees can be any age and do not have to live in PoCo. They cannot have previously received a Volunteer Recognition Award from the city and must meet at least one the follow criteria:

their unpaid volunteer contributions provide extraordinary help or care to families or groups in Port Coquitlam;

they continually commit their time, talent and energy, without pay, to improve the quality of life in Port Coquiltam;

or they have been voluntarily involved in a program or project that has had a lasting benefit for Port Coquitlam and its residents.

The award winners will be announced at the Riverside secondary Volunteer Recognition Awards and Tribute evening on April 18 during National Volunteer week.

Winners will receive a personalized etched glass trophy and will have their names added to the volunteer honour roll at city hall. All nominees receive a commemorative pin and certificate with an invitation to the tribute evening.

Nomination forms are available online at as well as city hall (2580 Shaughnessy St.), the Port Coquitlam Rec Complex (2150 Wilson Centre), the Hyde Creek Recreation Centre (1379 Laurier Avenue) and the Terry Fox Library (2470 Mary Hill Road).

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