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No more levy for Anmore residents

Anmore residents will no longer pay an extra fee to use Port Moody's recreation facilities.

Anmore residents will no longer pay an extra fee to use Port Moody's recreation facilities.

Council voted last Tuesday to scrap a plan that has seen residents of the outlying village shell out a 110% levy on top of the base fee at the recreation complex.

A joint recreational task force encompassing representatives from Anmore and Port Moody met five times starting October 2012 to discuss combined recreation activities and potential ways to share costs and revenues.

In a report to council earlier this year, the task force recommended replacing the levy with an annual $125 per family membership, but ultimately, council decided to go back to one fee for all visitors.

Partly influencing the decision, according to Port Moody Mayor Mike Clay, was the drastic decline in revenue as Anmore residents opted to stop using the recreation centre. Some Anmore residents told Clay they felt the fees were vindictive.

The risk, said Clay, was that people would stop coming, and they did.

Revenue fell from a high of $24,000 to just $7,197 in 2012.

This, said Clay, is counter-productive to Port Moody's goal of getting more people through the doors to help with the capital costs of the facility.

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