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More room for moo at Rocky Point

Rocky Point Ice Cream will be expanding its shop in Rocky Point Park after council agreed to issue the building and development variance permits. The existing pool building at 2804 Murray St.

Rocky Point Ice Cream will be expanding its shop in Rocky Point Park after council agreed to issue the building and development variance permits.

The existing pool building at 2804 Murray St. extends over three parcels of land, but the proposed addition will extend over a fourth parcel (all of which are owned by the city) by about half a metre.

Changing the pool building's roofline over the ice cream shop portion will also extend it about one metre over into another land parcel, requiring the variance permit.

The BC Building Code doesn't allow for building permits to be issued for structures that bridge property lines for potential fire hazards and legal implications.

In total, the addition will add about 1,327 square feet to the ice cream shop.

A staff report notes the proposed development offers an exterior facade that is in keeping with guidelines for commercial development in Rocky Point Park, while also adding visual interest with slight variations in roof pitch, decorative pillars, large windows and a covered seating area with benches.

Council also agreed to waive the permit fees because the city, as the landowner, would essentially be paying the fees to itself. Coun. Rick Glumac voted against that part of the motion (councillors Zoe Royer and Gerry Nuttall were absent).