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Looking for a home? Re/Max makes real estate app available

Staying on top of the real estate is now easier with a free mobile app available through Re/Max of Western Canada. The app, available to download on iTunes, makes property searches user friendly and enjoyable.

Staying on top of the real estate is now easier with a free mobile app available through Re/Max of Western Canada.
The app, available to download on iTunes, makes property searches user friendly and enjoyable. Consumers searching for residential properties in Western Canada now have the ability to carry in their pocket easy access to customizable searches for local listings, agents and offices.
With over 35,000 listings, every Western Canada property that is listed on can be seen on the Re/Max mobile app. Along with the convenience of searching for properties on their phone, the Re/Max app gives its customers advanced search capacities by allowing customizable searches through Google Maps or detailed easy to read lists. The consumer can further modify their search by searching properties by price and/or number of bedrooms.
Noel Nissen, IT services coordinator with Re/Max Western Canada comments, "We are very excited with the easy to use interface. Users will really enjoy the speed of the app and the positive search experience provided."
Once a customer finds a property that interests them the Re/Max app allows them to save the property in a list of 'Saved Listings', making it easy to pull up and display. The app also has over 5,500 Western Canadian Re/Max agents and 240 Re/Max offices that can searched and referenced through this application.
To download the free Re/Max application onto your iPhone visit
The Android version of the RE/MAX app is scheduled to be released early September with a Blackberry version to follow.
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