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Letter: You put garbage in your body, but not a safe COVID-19 vaccine?

"The life you save could very well be your own."
COVID vaccine
COVID-19 vaccine


It's not about you and your perceived importance in the world. The need to vaccinate helps the herd, the hive, to survive with a lessened level of loss.

Of all the problems facing mankind in the dire straits of our modern world, this should be a minor hurdle. You're living on a planet choked with pollution, overcrowded cities, rising food prices, and a very bleak outlook. But you choose to draw the line at a simple injection that my grandparents would've given a limb to have access to. Microplastics are everywhere, including within our bodies. Processed foods contain toxic additives proven to cause cancer. Some of you smoke, vape, and drink alcohol produced in a chemical process meant to speed up profits.

You take a toxic mix of pharmaceutical drugs with a frightening range of side effects. You think nothing of flying in an aluminum can with an overabundance of wiring and hydraulics any of which can malfunction. Or driving at excessive speeds where a small miscalculation in operation results in a crash.

You support governments that continue to use the nuclear industry producing a by-product we cannot deal with except to hide deep underground or underwater. 

But you draw the line at an injection that has been approved with an extremely small level of side effects. Try to see the bigger picture and realize how silly if not stupid your stance has become. Please, join the real world and help us to eliminate the threat before another variant arrives.

The life you save could very well be your own.

James Elliott, New Westminster