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Letter: Trains whistling 'day and night' in south Coquitlam. Why?

A letter writer asks if other Coquitlam residents have noticed a recent uptick in train noise.
Have you noticed an uptick in whistling from trains heading along the rails south of Highway 1 in Coquitlam?

The Editor:

I have lived in a house in West Cape Horn in Coquitlam for over 20 years.

Recently, the CP rail trains have started whistling day and night between the line north of the Great Canadian Casino and running under the King Edward Street overpass by IKEA.

There are no active train crossings for at least 1.5 km in either direction in this area, but the trains have started whistling day and night.

I live about 1 km away and can hear the whistling in my house with the windows shut.

Is this because of the increase in homeless people along the line?

You can see an encampment and now garbage dump across from the casino right up to the train tracks, and another to the east by the Cape Horn interchange.

I have tried contacting CP but they have not returned my emails.

Who else in the neighbourhood hears this and is losing sleep?

- Greg Nelson, Coquitlam