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Letter: The noise above this Coquitlam area may not be what you think it is

A 15-year Coquitlam resident says the aircraft noise above their neighbourhood are more like "sky harleys" — at least for now.
"Sky harleys" are the ones creating noise over Coquitlam's Harbour Chines area — for now.

The Editor:

Re: Letter: Sounds like Richmond out there, Coquitlam resident claims (Dec. 8, 2023)

Like the author of the misleading letter, I also reside in Harbour Chines.

The flight path changes he references have not yet come into effect so his complaints are baseless and he is yelling at the wrong cloud.

As a 15-year resident, I can only surmise that his complaints are directed at low-flying light single engine aircraft.

The majority of these flights are for recreational or training purposes, so it is our location at the southern height of land near the end of a very scenic Burrard inlet that is to blame for aircraft noise, not imaginary changes to federal regulation.

A scenic one- or two-hour flight over the Vancouver downtown and harbour, Howe Sound, etc., from one of the numerous smaller airports in the Fraser Valley, notably Pitt Meadows and Boundary Bay, puts the Chineside Escarpment squarely on the flight path to enter Burrard Inlet.

Our relatively high elevation of 500 feet put the aircraft in close proximity relative to other neighbourhoods along those paths.

Raising the minimum 1,000 feet above ground level regulation to 2,500 feet may offer a remedy to noise levels, but that isn’t happening anytime soon.

I can only recommend considering the aircraft as "Sky Harleys" and shaking one’s fist accordingly.

- J. Moors, Coquitlam