Dear SD43 families,
I wish to extend a warm welcome to our new and returning students and families. I hope you have had a relaxing and enjoyable summer and are looking forward to the 2022-2023 school year. The start of a new school year is always filled with excitement, and we anticipate many great accomplishments by our students and staff.
The 2022-2023 school year has barely begun, but School District 43 is already off to a great start with the recent $135-million funding announcement by Premier John Horgan that the Burke Mountain middle/secondary project will move forward with a $25 million funding contribution by the School District 43 Board of Education. This is very good news for those in the Burke Mountain region as advocacy for a new middle/secondary school has been a priority for a long time.
In addition, the new Coast Salish Elementary School will be opening later this fall. As well, the newly built seismic replacement Irvine Elementary School will open its doors to students next week.
At the district level, the school board and district staff completed their move to the new Education Learning Centre - located at 1080 Winslow Avenue - over the summer and are already hard at work in their new home. The Board of Education will hold its first regular public board meeting on Tuesday, September 20th online and is looking forward to hosting its first in-person public meetings in the new building after the October 15, 2022, General Local Elections.
On August 29th, the Ministry of Education and Child Care announced a one-time fund of $60 million to support BC students and their families experiencing hardship as a result of cost of living challenges due to global inflation. Over the next few weeks, we will be consulting with schools, parents, and stakeholders to determine how this money may best support the specific needs of local families. Considerations include possible expansion of school meal programs, access to field trips and student supplies support.
More information will be provided by your school principal in the coming weeks regarding the Student and Family Affordability Fund.
In preparation for the return to school, maintaining a healthy and safe environment in our facilities remains a focus. Families are asked to monitor their health regularly. Also, schools will have some communicable disease prevention measures in place, including hand sanitizer, and will be encouraging physical distancing and handwashing routines. Some students and staff may still choose to wear masks and we ask that everyone respect this personal decision. A link to the SD43 Communicable Disease Protocols is available on all district websites under the School District 43 Communicable Disease Management banner.
I would like to thank our principals and vice-principals, teachers, support staff, and managers for working hard over the summer to prepare our schools for the return of our over 32,000 students. I also thank everyone for their continued efforts and dedication to making our school district the very best for all students.
I wish you all a successful and fulfilling school year.
- Patricia Gartland, SD43 Superintendent and Chief Executive Officer