To the readers,
I hope you're able to celebrate this time of year with the family, friends and/or loved ones you're undoubtedly lucky to have in your life.
Let's think about that for one second — life.
And no, you're not about to read some big philosophical letter that can change your course. Trust me, more people are wiser.
If you've made it to this point, however, I hope you can indulge my thoughts for a few moments.
Life is the reason you're able to read this article. Life is the reason you're able to sit somewhere comfortable and scan the sentences. Life is the reason you're breathing while sitting down and reading.
In this moment, you may be in as safe of a space as you can be.
And for many right now, that could be a crowded airport with other frustrated travellers wondering why they're not up in the air heading home to their families — or to some warm vacation destination.
Look, no one can control the weather. I'm also hopeful everyone understands the concept that pilots, stewards and attendants are not miracle workers that can make it all go away.
But think about it....if a pilot just said, "Forget this, I'm getting behind the wheel," and another snow storm were to hit the coast, chances are that aircraft won't make it very far and lives could be at stake.
This would be the same case for when someone decides to drive while impaired by alcohol or drugs and has a vehicle full of passengers looking forward to spending the holidays with family.
Then, there's a blackout, and you're in the back of a police car, the hospital, or a place you're not ready for yet.
So, once again, I ponder how you're able to have read all of the above....perhaps it's because you've chosen to stay safe.
In my opinion, safety can be considered one of the greatest gifts ever.
It's something that (literally) everyone can gratefully accept this holiday season for themselves and others around them.
It may also be one that's easily overlooked.
You've likely heard these recent weeks the importance of "getting home safely" or "stay home" and "avoid unnecessary travel."
Well, if you've chosen to travel and you're able to read this, or if you're cozy in front of your holiday tree, your family and I are grateful you're in a safe place and to have you in our lives.
I sincerely hope you are, too.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays from my family to yours!
- Kyle Balzer, Tri-City News