Port Moody city council is worried future population growth in neighbouring Belcarra could put more traffic pressures on busy Ioco Road.
Council voted Tuesday to communicate its traffic concerns to Belcarra as the village works to complete its official community plan.
"Ioco Road is a rural road," Port Moody Mayor Joe Trasolini said. "It doesn't even have sidewalks in some areas. It was not designed for these traffic volumes so any time we have an opportunity to state that, we do."
Trasolini added that he also wants to make sure that the village retains it rural designation. Metro Vancouver must approve all official community plans, he said, and it is important the regional body is reminded of Belcarra's unique position in the region. In a report to PoMo council, staff said that because of its location on the periphery of Metro Vancouver, Belcarra lacks the infrastructure required to sustain a larger population. Therefore, the report said, the village should not be considered as a growth-oriented community.
Belcarra's OCP population projections are modest in comparison to its municipal neighbours. With only 40 vacant lots left, the village expects growth of one to two households per year and a population increase of 1,000 by 2041. As of 2006, the community had 676 residents living in 296 homes. Belcarra's OCP, which still must be approved by Metro Vancouver, does not allow for any industrial or commercial activities in the municipality.