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Halloween fireworks likely need a permit

If you're hoping to set off fireworks to celebrate Halloween next week, you'd best check your city bylaws.

If you're hoping to set off fireworks to celebrate Halloween next week, you'd best check your city bylaws.

Each of the Tri-Cities has different regulations when it comes to fright night pyrotechnics, with Port Moody offering the only bylaws intended to allow small-scale displays.

No permit is required in PoMo unless the fireworks will be set off on public property, such as a school field; in such as case, the fire chief must give written permission.

PoMo is also the only Tri-City municipality where fireworks can be purchased.

In Port Coquitlam, residents can obtain a $20 fireworks event permit, which is valid only on Oct. 31 until 11:30 p.m. The person handling the fireworks must be at least 18 years old and the display must be set off on private property; public displays require permission from the fire chief.

Coquitlam requires a $50 permit to set off fireworks on private property but those displays can only take place in an area with at least 30 sq. m of open space - and that limits fireworks displays to city or school district facilities, which often require liability insurance. Last year, only seven permits were issued.

All three cities ban firecrackers and noisemakers, such as roman candles and bottle rockets, and impose fines of about $200.


Anybody setting off fireworks - legally - next week is also encouraged to handle them safely by following these tips from PoCo Fire and Rescue:

Teach kids that fireworks aren't toys and should not be touched.

Choose a safe area to discharge fireworks, such as a bare area of ground away from buildings, overhead structures, trees, vehicles, dry grass and flammable objects.

Have a large bucket of water, sand or a garden hose ready.

Ensure spectators watch from a safe distance.

Never point or throw fireworks at people, pets, cars or buildings.

Never hold fireworks in your hands while lighting them.

Dispose of spent fireworks in a container of water.


Coquitlam RCMP is reminding the public to enjoy a safe and happy Halloween with these tips:

Make sure trick-or-treaters are visible - wear reflective clothing or tape and carry a flashlight or glow stick.

Walk in groups and stay together.

Never enter a home; accept treats only at the front door.

Examine treats for safety and tampering, and don't eat anything homemade.

Cross the street only at intersections or marked crosswalks.

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