The Green Party of BC has a candidate to run in this spring's provincial election in Coquitlam-Maillardville.
This week, the riding association acclaimed Edward Stanbrough to run in the riding currently held by NDP MLA Diane Thorne, who is retiring.
Stanbrough, 24, a New Westminster resident who has been a party member for a month, told The Tri-City News on Thursday he is "sick of the NDP and the BC Liberals" governing the province.
"I want to help the Greens get elected and make things better," said the recent anthropology graduate of Kwantlen Polytechnic University who is seeking political office for the first time.
In the 2009 provincial election, Green contender Stephen Reid took 5% of the vote in Coquitlam-Maillardville; under Michael Hejazi in 2005, the party won 6% in the riding, down from the 12% Elly Petersen drew in 2001.
In May, Stanbrough will face NDP candidate Selina Robinson, a Coquitlam city councillor who was acclaimed last November. The BC Liberals have yet to select their candidate for the Coquitlam-Maillardville race.