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Great Scott!

The 2011 Cops for Cancer Tour de Coast kicked off its nine-day ride Wednesday with a group of kids committed to the cause.

The 2011 Cops for Cancer Tour de Coast kicked off its nine-day ride Wednesday with a group of kids committed to the cause.

The entire Scott Creek middle school population turned out to send off the 29 riders, who will ride to Pemberton, Powell River and Maple Ridge before ending the ride on Sept. 29 in Vancouver.

"We've been so excited getting organized," said Scott Creek principal Judy Robb. "The anticipation has been building since last May. Today felt like magic."

The annual ride takes place every fall and raises money to support children with cancer and their families. Last year, the Canadian Cancer society raised over $2.4 million with the ride. Scott Creek has actively fundraised for more than 10 years and has raised $10,667.81 for cancer research this year.

"Ten years ago, Jeff Tvergyak, a teacher at the school, heard about the Tour and it's evolved into the school's most important fundraiser," said Robb. "The entire school community is behind Cops for Cancer."

Students seek donations through initiatives such as mowing a neighbour's lawn, walking dogs, selling lemonade, holding community car washes and school-wide bake sales.

"We have encouraged our students to take a service-oriented approach in this fundraiser, through volunteering their time and efforts to helping others in the community," said Grade 8 teacher Jen Renard. "They have demonstrated much heart and compassion, and we are proud to have been named the top fundraising school five years running."

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