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Got cloudy water? Coquitlam is flushing neighbourhood watermains

Coquitlam is currently cleaning out sediment and mineral build-up in its water distribution pipes.
Coquitlam is conducting watermain flushing across the city as part of annual maintenance.

Coquitlam residents may see some cloudy water if they turn on their taps, but don't be alarmed.

The city is currently flushing water mains as part of its annual maintenance.

The aim is to clean out the sediment and mineral build-up in the water distribution pipes, which can sometimes create changes in water pressure and discolouration for a short time.

However, the water is still safe to drink, city officials advise.

To get rid of the cloudy water, follow these steps:

  • run the cold-water tap — in the bathtub — for a few minutes until the cloudy water turns clear
  • if that fails, try again in 30 minutes.
  • don’t run the hot water until the cold cloudy water is gone

The city receives more than 20 million cubic metres of water from Metro Vancouver each year.

It then carries up to 80 million litres of water daily through 520 km of municipal water mains — equivalent to more than 30 swimming pools.

To find out where crews are flushing the water mains, you can visit the city’s online map.