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Four students from one Port Coquitlam studio win festival spots

LyricalMe Studio of Port Coquitlam earned four nods for its students to proceed to the BC Performing Arts Festival in Fort St. John in June.
Left to right: Olivia Arvisais, Alicia Malelang and Alexis Malelang.

Four musical theatre students who study voice in Port Coquitlam have won spots to compete at a provincial festival next month.

The four students instructed by Margo Levae of LyricalMe Studio are:

  • Olivia Arvisais
    • Senior Musical Theatre, Chilliwack Festival
  • Alicia Malelang
    • Intermediate Musical Theatre, Chilliwack Festival
  • Alexis Malelang
    • Junior Musical Theatre, Vaya Festival
  • Keira Haley
    • Junior Musical Theatre, Chilliwack Festival

Haley will not be at the BC Performing Arts Fest due to a prior commitment.

The event is being held from June 2 to 6 in Fort St. John and sees hundreds of musicians and performers who have won in their regional contests compete for titles.

They also take part in master and technique classes, lectures and workshops.