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Coquitlam, Port Moody councils OK signs for Terry Fox's training route

Runners will soon be able to retrace Terry Fox's footsteps after Coquitlam council approved plans to post signs along the Port Coquitlam cancer crusader's Tri-City training route.

Runners will soon be able to retrace Terry Fox's footsteps after Coquitlam council approved plans to post signs along the Port Coquitlam cancer crusader's Tri-City training route.

Coquitlam signed off on the proposal during a meeting on Monday, joining PoCo and Port Moody council's in commemorating the 10-mile run Fox often did more than once a day in preparation for his cross-Canada Marathon of Hope.

Between 24 and 30 markers will go up in the municipality and the Terry Fox Foundation's Donna White said each one will have a unique fact about Terry.

The foundation is hoping to get the markers installed by April 4, which was likely the last day Fox trained before flying to the Maritimes in 1980 to commence his 8,000 km run.

At the Port Moody council meeting last week, when signs were approved, councillors heard that city staff are working with the Terry Fox Foundation to ensure the signs are installed before the Training Run event on April 4, which will take participants on Fox's 16-km route from Maple Creek middle school in Port Coquitlam to the Ioco Townsite and back.

Port Moody Police and volunteers will be on hand to monitor the event and to direct runners along the route. PoMo's portion will start as runners cross the Coquitlam border heading west on Guildford Way, to Ungless Way and west on Ioco Road. The return trip will take in part of the Inlet Trail.

The cost to PoMo taxpayers for providing PMPD officers, traffic control and installation of the signs is approximately $2,500. The Fox foundation is covering the cost of the signs.

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