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Coquitlam-Burke Mountain: BC Conservative candidate Stephen Frolek

Get to know your district's candidates in the 2024 provincial election. Voting day is set for Saturday, Oct. 19.
Stephen Frolek is the BC Conservative candidate for Coquitlam-Burke Mountain in the 2024 provincial election, set for Saturday, Oct. 19.

The Tri-City News sent out a questionnaire to all candidates in the local ridings for the 2024 B.C. election.

The following is from Stephen Frolek, BC Conservative candidate in Coquitlam-Burke Mountain.

Name: Stephen Frolek

Profession: Owner of a small business specializing in bookkeeping and business advisory services

Residence: Port Coquitlam


  • Stephen Frolek was born in Vancouver to a ranch foreman’s son from Kamloops and a Vancouver business owner’s daughter. Growing up in South Delta, he became a black belt in Taekwondo and a dedicated youth leader, building a foundation of discipline and service. After high school, Stephen pursued his dream of becoming a police officer, leading him to join the Canadian Forces Army Reserve. He volunteered for deployment to Afghanistan, mentoring Afghan National Police officers and teaching life-saving skills like first aid. Stephen’s commitment to service extended to mission trips in Mexico, where he learned Spanish to better support the Tarahumara people. For seven years, he mentored youth in Coquitlam, gaining insights into their challenges and dreams. As a carpenter, Stephen has spent over a decade building homes across the Lower Mainland, taking a hands-on approach to solving the housing crisis. Together with his wife, Alex, he runs a small business specializing in bookkeeping and business advisory services, further deepening his understanding of fiscal responsibility and entrepreneurship. Stephen’s life is built on service, leadership, and real-world solutions, and he’s ready to bring that commitment to Coquitlam-Burke Mountain.

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Recent legislation designed to get more housing built in urban areas close to transit has created tumult in some communities. How might your government further refine this approach to ensure the new housing that gets constructed also addresses local needs for affordable housing as well as homes for families and seniors?

Our approach will focus on cutting red tape and working with local communities to ensure housing fits their needs, particularly for families, seniors, and those seeking affordable options. We will give local governments the tools they need to support growth with infrastructure by launching the Civic Infrastructure Renewal Fund, and we will ensure affordable housing and family-sized units are prioritized near transit hubs.


What would your government do to help municipalities provide more supportive housing?

We will ensure municipalities have the tools they need to approve housing for all housing types and by continuing to fund supportive housing as long as the facilities are being good neighbours. Our policy will also mandate accountability, ensuring taxpayer dollars go toward effective housing solutions, not wasted on bureaucratic mismanagement. Tax Dollars spent on housing should be going to supportive homes for people most in need, including people suffering from mental health challenges and addiction.


How would your provincial government support municipalities dealing with the increase in growth and demand for infrastructure like schools, childcare, parks and recreational facilities brought on by the new provincial housing regulations?

We will provide municipalities with additional funding through a $1-billion annual Civic Infrastructure Renewal Fund, ensuring that critical services like schools, childcare and parks can keep pace with growth. Our plan will empower cities to plan proactively, allowing for the timely delivery of infrastructure where it’s needed most, avoiding the kind of chaos we’ve seen under NDP policies.


How will your government help make $10-a-day childcare more widely available to more families?

We support increased access to $10-a-day childcare, while the NDP continues to grow waitlists. Our reforms will unlock thousands of new childcare spaces in the neighbourhoods where kids live, and reduce the regulatory burden on childcare providers by allowing them to focus on families and children instead of navigating bureaucracy.


Small businesses are struggling with onerous leases, petty crime, increasing costs. According to a recent survey almost half fear they won't be around in four years. What will you do to make it better for those businesses to have a chance to survive and new ones to start up?

The Conservative Party will scrap the carbon tax and other regulatory burdens that have driven up the cost of doing business in B.C. We’ll work with municipalities to reduce crime and ensure small businesses are protected from vandalism and theft. Our focus will be on cutting red tape and supporting economic growth through a pro-business environment, giving entrepreneurs the confidence they need to start and grow their ventures.


Our cities are growing into the surrounding wild areas; that’s creating increasing concerns about wildlife encounters and the threat of wildfires, what kind of supports would your government be able provide in those communities to protect wildlife and residents?

We will improve management of the urban-wildlife interface, focusing on fire prevention, wildlife corridors and habitat conservation. Our focus on climate resilience will enhance wildfire mitigation measures and invest in critical firefighting resources. Protecting residents and wildlife is a priority, and we will work closely with local governments to ensure safety measures are in place.


The 3030 Gordon supportive housing facility has become a bit of a flashpoint in the community in recent months; what would your government do to ensure such facilities not only provide shelter but also the supports and resources necessary to help residents going through addiction and mental health issues as well as provide the tools they need to get back on their feet?

We recognize the urgent need to reform supportive housing. Our government will ensure that these facilities offer comprehensive addiction recovery programs and mental health services, not just warehousing of troubled individuals. Our focus is on real treatment and rehabilitation solutions, so residents receive the care they need to regain independence and re-enter society.


What will your government do to improve affordable housing opportunities for local students who attend Douglas College and Simon Fraser University?

Housing starts are currently plummeting due to NDP-approved taxes and red tape. Our plan to Get BC Building will finally create the housing availability we need to push costs down. Additionally, we will encourage the construction of purpose-built rental housing near these institutions through tax incentives and streamlined approvals, ensuring that students have access to affordable homes near campus


What plan does your party have to advance the creation of Pinecone-Burke Mountain Provincial Park?

Our government will protect and expand access to natural spaces like Pinecone-Burke Mountain. We are committed to preserving B.C.’s wilderness for future generations.


How will your government support local Search and Rescue groups, in particular the construction of a new headquarters for Coquitlam Search and Rescue?

Search and Rescue teams provide a critical service. Our government will make sure that Search and Rescue teams have reliable funding and infrastructure to ensure they have the resources they need to keep our communities safe.