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Cash for new cycling path in Coquitlam

The provincial government is contributing $175,000 to a new Tri-City cycling route that, once built, will link with the Central Valley Greenway, which runs from New Westminster to Vancouver.

The provincial government is contributing $175,000 to a new Tri-City cycling route that, once built, will link with the Central Valley Greenway, which runs from New Westminster to Vancouver.

This week, the province announced the funding for construction of the Coquitlam Fraser Greenway bike pathway, a 4 km route that will run along United Boulevard from the Port Mann bridge to the Brunette River; it will also connect with the Traboulay PoCo Trail to the east.

Construction on the city's portion of the path was approved by council as part of the 2013-'17 capital program; work is expected to begin this year.

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