Better Business Bureau is issuing an urgent scam alert cautioning businesses and consumers about an email that is purporting to be from a email address and references the Council of Better Business Bureaus in Arlington, VA., about a recently filed complaint.
The email contains a dangerous attachment regarding a complaint and appears to direct recipients to the BBB website. This is a scam - BBB does not send complaints as attachments via email.
Other emails appear to come from a fake BBB employee claiming that the recipient needs to review this matter and advise the BBB of their position. From there, the email appears to direct the recipient to the BBB website, but actually directs them to an outside link. This email is fraudulent and does not originate from BBB. The email attachment and link are malicious and we are strongly advising to not open or click them.
Should you receive such an email do the following:
1. Disregard its message.
2. Report the email by forwarding it to [email protected]
3. Delete the email after forwarding.
4. If you have clicked on the link in the email, close the window and immediately do a virus scan.
Better Business Bureau is working together with law enforcement to track down the origin of these emails and plans to shutdown these fake websites.