Young people hoping to participate in Port Coquitlam's 91st annual May Day celebration's royal party have until the end of the month to submit their applications.
Flower girls from grades 1 and 2 along with princesses and lancers from grades 4 and 5 are being sought and this year's May Queen and Ambassador will be chosen at random from the list of applicants.
The tradition of May Day royalty in Port Coquitlam dates back to 1923, when the city crowned its first May Queen and began celebrating May Day each year.
Over the years, the festival has grown into a week-long community celebration that includes May Pole dancing, Rotary May Day Parade, outdoor concerts, heritage and art events, displays, carnival rides and other activities. This year's festival runs from May 2 to May 11.
Other royal party duties include:
participating in the May Day selection tea on April 15;
taking part in May Day banquet and opening ceremonies on May 2 between 5:30 and 9 p.m.;
and participating in the May Day parade with the city float, followed by the May Day luncheon May 10, 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
For more information or to apply online, visist Printed applications are also available at city hall and recreation facilities. The application deadlin is Jan. 30.