The last link in the Metro Vancouver's Necklace Project was unveiled in Port Moody last week.
Artist Blake Williams spoke to about a dozen art supporters, including Mayor Mike Clay, outside the Port Moody Arts Centre last Thursday about the public artwork that now connects 10 municipalities.
PoMo's $50,000 contribution, titled Illuminations, is a mosaic consisting of five pieces with each portion located near a culturally and historically significant building in the city: the first school site (now Moody elementary); the telephone exchange building and the city's first bank, both on Clarke Street; and at the Port Moody Station Museum.
Other Necklace cities include Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam.
The art centre's round image - a six-foot anchor piece - has solar panels, a painted blackberry vine, old municipal photos and a quote from Mrs. Edith Angus, who documented the first time a CP Rail train arrived at the Golden Spike city.
It reads: "We were not kept long. First a whistle was heard and the old familiar curl of smoke was to be seen rising among the pines then came the harsh clang, clang of the engine bell and the train steamed slowly up the line and was greeted by cheers from the 500 or 600 people who were waiting for her. The train that had crossed a continent was only a minute later."
"Thank you mayor and council for supporting public art policy in this city," William said at last Thursday's gathering.