Teens looking for a creative way to spend some after-school time can drop in to a new program at Leigh Square in Port Coquitlam.
The Youth Art drop-in program, starting tomorrow (Thursday), is for teens aged 13 to 18 and offers free, open studio space. The flexible, open nature of the program allows young people to attend all the sessions or just drop in occasionally.
Facilitated by Leigh Square staff, youth can use the space to work on current projects or experiment with new ideas. They'll have access to a variety of art materials and supplies to work on projects like painting old skateboard decks, repurposing CDs or reworking clothing.
There will also be opportunities for youth to exhibit or display their artwork in the arts village or at community events.
Youth Art runs Thursdays, starting March 29, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Leigh Square (behind PoCo city hall).