Forest Lawn Funeral Home and its sister location, Ocean View Funeral Home, are a rarity in the Greater Vancouver area: not only do they have space available, the funeral home is located in the cemetery so that the entire funeral process can take place in the same location.
“There are very few large cemeteries that still have space available in the Lower Mainland,” says Andrew Knapman, manager of Forest Lawn Funeral Home. “After that, you’re looking at White Rock or Surrey, or even further out in the valley.”
By offering comprehensive services onsite, both Forest Lawn and Ocean View provide a unique alternative to funeral homes and cemeteries in the Tri-City area.
“We offer the added convenience of having a funeral home attached,” says Andrew, “so everything can be done in one location.”
Where Robinson Memorial Park and Port Coquitlam Cemetery—the two city-owned cemeteries in Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam—provide burial space, there isn’t a funeral home on the grounds. With Forest Lawn Funeral Home and Ocean View Funeral Home, pre-service meetings, the service, the burial, and the reception can all take place in one location, making the process far easier for grieving friends and family.
“Once the funeral is done, you don’t have to worry about driving through traffic to get to the burial plot,” says Andrew. “It makes a big difference.”
Forest Lawn Funeral Home is located towards the north central part of Burnaby and is a convenient 25-minute drive from Coquitlam Town Centre, off of Highway 1.
To find out more about Forest Lawn Funeral Home and Ocean View Funeral Homecall 1-800-34-DIGNITY or go to or Forest Lawn is at 3789 Royal Oak Ave, Burnaby and Ocean View is at 4000 Imperial Street, Burnaby.