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Why spend more money for Coquitlam aquatic study?

The Editor, Re. "Gas tax pays for upgrades" (The Tri-City News, Sept. 19). In general, I agree with comments on how this money is being spent.

The Editor,

Re. "Gas tax pays for upgrades" (The Tri-City News, Sept. 19).

In general, I agree with comments on how this money is being spent. It is actually excessive gas taxes imposed by the federal government and is our money, not "they won't be on the hook for any of it," as stated by The Tri-City News. That's a nice way of putting it to cover up high gas taxes to residents.

In addition, the whopping amount (95% of amount contributed by gas taxes) is going to TransLink for regional transportation. Gulp!

But what should disturb taxpayers is the comment concerning the spending of another $40,000 for a consultant to amend the city of Coquitlam's Aquatic Infrastructure and Services Strategy adopted in January 2013. This was a long-term strategy and, as usual, there will be some amendments, which could be done by memorandum.

Why are the mayor and council even considering this expenditure? Will we be paying similar fees in future with such amendments? Why do we pay such high salaries to management who should have the expertise to modify such documents?

The tendency by the mayor, council and administration seems to be "let's have a consultant report first," no doubt to cover themselves - at our expense.

Who is looking after our tax money and ensuring costs are in line?

Elwin Mowry, Coquitlam