The Editor,
Re. "Mariner Way truck route talk" (The Tri-City News, Sept. 10).
How is it possible that six of nine members of Coquitlam city council believe Mariner Way and Como Lake Avenue should be temporary designated truck routes? I suppose they may not live anywhere nearby nor use these arterial routes regularly to clearly see that this is a poor, ill-fated decision.
I have lived in Coquitlam for over 38 years and use these roads almost every day. Mariner is already fraught with danger with its steep grade and many curves while Como Lake is dotted with schools and driveways.
Residents already deal with high traffic volumes and speeding is a noted concern. So how is adding large, heavily loaded trucks going to make these roads safer for pedestrian and road traffic? There are already routes built for trucks specifically that fully serve their needs.
Imagine this on Mariner hill: Traffic impeded by a truck travelling at 10 km/h uphill. A truck speeding downhill and misjudging a curve or losing control. And on Como Lake, truck drivers ignoring the school zones and putting our children at risk of being run over as they cross to the bus stop. These are dangers that should not be ignored. City engineers are recommending against this change for many good reasons.
The six councillors who believe they have made the best decision should seriously reconsider and realize that safety comes first, not how quick a load of cement or gravel can get from one side of the city to the other.
Kristina Marrington, Coquitlam