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Shut the 'black lid' on trash cans forever

Keep animals -- and humans -- away from food waste, writes Ray Yule of Port Coquitlam.

The Editor,

Re. “Garbage info needed in PoCo” (Letters, The Tri-City News, Sept. 25).The Editor,


Kudos to Ian MacSween for his letter in The Tri-City News.

We should actually go one step further: The Black Lid should be sealed shut forever; neither human nor animal could open or close it as it is certain nobody would know what could or should go into that black hole.

As well, the city engineers should come up with a device to hold the bins securely to one’s house so that any bears intrigued by the smells emanating would not be able to tip the bins over. Wonder how much that device would cost us?

There always will be encounters with bears but whoever came up with the idea to put food waste with green waste needs help — and so do those imbeciles who don’t lock up their garbage or green bins.

Ray Yule, Port Coquitlam