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Read Terry O'Neill in his own words

The Editor, Re. "Letter writers 'get a grip'" (Letters, The Tri-City News, April 20). I would like to expand on some of the letters that were critical of Coquitlam Coun.

The Editor,

Re. "Letter writers 'get a grip'" (Letters, The Tri-City News, April 20).

I would like to expand on some of the letters that were critical of Coquitlam Coun. Terry O'Neill's choice of words when he described the electorate who put him in city hall. His website clearly illustrates the lengths a candidate will go to get elected. His promises include that he will be a councillor who will be in touch with the needs of the residents and be trusted to keep their best interests in mind. Furthermore, he states, Coquitlam needs "people-friendly" efficiency in city hall.

I think the one statement on Coun. O'Neill's website that will stand out in my mind when the next election is held is that he will be accountable for his actions.

So all you "eco-hysterical" voters, let's "get a grip" and make sure this arrogant hypocrite is accountable and ensure he doesn't get elected next time around.

Neil Swanson, Coquitlam