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RADIA: Senate scandal, oil & Olympics

B efore we put away the Christmas trees and pack-up the festive decorations for another year, my colleague opposite and I thought it would be a good time to put forward our visions for 2014.

Before we put away the Christmas trees and pack-up the festive decorations for another year, my colleague opposite and I thought it would be a good time to put forward our visions for 2014.

In the New Year, we can expect to see a continuation of some the stories that dominated national headlines in 2013. The Senate scandal is likely going to come to a head, with charges being laid and the Supreme Court making its decision as to what it would take to reform or abolish the red chamber.

In eastern Canada, Quebecers will likely head to the polls for another provincial election. You know what that means: more threats and rhetoric from the separatists. Yippee! And in Ontario, something has to give with the Rob Ford saga doesn't it?

I think one of the biggest stories in western Canada is going to be resource development. In 2014, we should have a decision about the Keystone Pipeline, some movement on the Enbridge Northern Gateway front and some deals between B.C.-based liquefied natural gas companies and Asian buyers.

My crystal ball tells me we're going to a have many rock-'em-sock-'em battles between the oil companies and the environmentalists. The left wants enhanced social services with no answer about how to pay for it. This is how we can pay for it.

Locally, 2014 is going to be an election year. In November, Tri-City residents will go to the polls to elect mayors, councillors and school trustees. If I had one wish for 2014, it is that people in the Tri-Cities start paying attention to how our local governments are spending taxpayers' money. Let's start by holding our local politicians accountable - as we do provincially and federally - by actually voting.

Finally, 2014 is an Olympic year. Some of my greatest memories growing up have come watching the Olympic Games: Donovan Bailey winning the 100 m race in Atlanta; wrestler Daniel Igali kissing the Canadian flag after winning the gold in Sydney; and Sid the Kid scoring the Golden Goal in Vancouver in 2010.

I can't wait to see what new memories Canada's athletes at Sochi will create for us. Go, Canada, go!

And Happy New Year to all.