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Paying to park at Rocky Point will cost parents, biz

The Editor, Re. "Get ready to pay at Rocky Point" (The Tri-City News, July 11). A letter to Port Moody's mayor and councillors: I am a proud Port Moody resident. I love my city.

The Editor,

Re. "Get ready to pay at Rocky Point" (The Tri-City News, July 11).

A letter to Port Moody's mayor and councillors:

I am a proud Port Moody resident. I love my city.

This is the first time I have written to comment on a decision city council has made and it's because this struck an emotional chord.

Rocky Point Park has provided endless hours of pleasure for my family. When my children were growing up, it was an affordable outing.

Just last night, I took my 11-year-old nephew to the park and when I looked at the pool, I was flooded with happy memories of all the summers spent there watching my kids swim. When my four children were little, we walked the trails, had picnics, celebrated Canada Day, rode bikes, roller skated, chased geese, played in the spray park. It was our summer home.

Did I mention I lived in Coquitlam at that time?

When my children were young, we only had one income. Their dad worked and I was a stay-at-home mom. If I had to pay for parking, we could not have afforded to go to the park. Yes, to some people every dollar counts.

I realize Port Moody residents will be exempt from parking but I think this just becomes an administrative exercise and not an effective use of taxpayer dollars.

Parks should be free. Let's invite the world to enjoy Port Moody. Who knows, one or two may choose to move here. I did.

I strongly encourage you to revisit this decision.

Marianne LaRochelle, Port Moody

Editor's note: Ms. LaRochelle is a advertising sales representative with The Tri-City News.


The Editor,

The approval of a one-year trial period of pay parking at Rocky Point Park in Port Moody is a ridiculous decision and a wrong one.

What happened to neighbourliness? Does Coquitlam charge non-residents for using Lafarge Lake? Does Port Coquitlam charge non-residents for using Lions Park?

If Port Moody council is concerned about potential parking issues around the Evergreen Line, then put time limits on posted signs and enforce them with patrols. A two-hour limit should be sufficient for park users.

Parking patrols would cost less than the $36,000 annual operating costs and the nearly $7,000 one-time set-up costs for pay parking.

The Boathouse restaurant and other businesses like Pajo's will definitely be affected by this decision. Will their sales go down because Port Moody residents get to park for free? Will non-residents pay to park to eat at these establishments?

We will see.

Fay Wright,

Port Coquitlam