The Editor,
Re. "Offices, not hotel rooms" (The Tri-City News, Dec. 14).
Your article about Onni abandoning plans for a hotel in favour of an office building speaks to creating jobs and increasing economic development within Port Moody, which I support. Moreover, I couldn't be in more support of creating car-sharing stalls and other initiatives that reduce pollution and facilitate a reduction in traffic.
But there was a line in this article, which really threw me off: "Onni has offered to mitigate the proposed reduction in parking by 126 spaces by providing five electric vehicle charging stations and a car-share stall."
If I understand correctly, Onni Development is stating that 126 parking stalls can be replaced by five or six spaces? I really hope I'm missing something because it doesn't add up. How can five or six electric parking stalls make up for 126 stalls? There is a serious miss here. I'm really apprehensive, as to whether this is in the best interest of the city.
I hope this perspective is taken into consideration when the final plan gets brought forth for consideration. Let's face it, nobody likes a poorly planned parking lot - there may currently be one or two of those in the Tri-Cities.
Chris Carter, Port Moody