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Nice school, but....

The Editor, Re. "Protection, just in case, for new Moody middle" (The Tri-City News, Feb. 28). I am impressed by the beauty of the proposed new Moody middle school, as shown in the illustration on page A4 of your Feb. 28 issue.

The Editor,

Re. "Protection, just in case, for new Moody middle" (The Tri-City News, Feb. 28).

I am impressed by the beauty of the proposed new Moody middle school, as shown in the illustration on page A4 of your Feb. 28 issue. It has huge walls of curved glass windows, probably a grand atrium and, since the school is to have a concentration on the arts, undoubtedly music rooms, a dance studio, art studios and a technologically sophisticated theatre.

All this seems a little bizarre in the light of our government seemingly being unable to pay for many educational basics.

Why can't School District 43 build a plain, 1950s-style school and, throughout the district, use the money saved to pay for supports for all children with disabilities, class sizes small enough that teachers can operate efficiently, an up-to-date playground for every elementary school, internet-savvy librarians to help students learn research skills and, when necessary, even breakfast programs for children who come to school hungry?

Jane Shoemaker, Coquitlam