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Lots of building, traffic

The Editor, Re. "Proposed BQ tower worries" (The Tri-City News, March 5). The residents of the pair of condo towers on Farrow Street in Coquitlam have more to worry about than a 26-storey condo tower at the corner of Clarke and Como Lake roads.

The Editor,

Re. "Proposed BQ tower worries" (The Tri-City News, March 5).

The residents of the pair of condo towers on Farrow Street in Coquitlam have more to worry about than a 26-storey condo tower at the corner of Clarke and Como Lake roads.

Bosa Development Corp. proposes to build two 25-plus-storey condo towers on the former Safeway property (along with a new Safeway).

Morguard Invest-ments, the owner of Burquitlam Plaza, proposes to build four 25-plus-storey condo towers above commercial podium.

As well, two highrise condo towers are proposed on Foster Avenue just off North Road.

These residential towers will swell the local population by more than 5,000 people. Will the local elementary school be expanded to accommodate the children in these homes?

Although many people in these eight towers will take the new Evergreen Line to work, the rest will drive cars. As well, service and delivery vehicles will go in and out of the towers and the commercial properties.

The city has put the proverbial cart in front of the horse by allowing developers to weasel out of contributing to local road improvements.

The Burquitlam neighbourhood already suffers from a paucity of recreation facilities. Will the developers contribute to some new parks, playgrounds and splash pools?

Finally, Burquitlam is a long way from the fire hall on Mariner Way. Will the developers contribute to an auxiliary emergency services facility in southwest Coquitlam?

D.B. Wilson, Port Moody