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Letter: ‘There is no such thing as a free lunch’ for politicians

The Editor, Re. “Councillor wants province to ban union, corporate election money” (The Tri-City News, May 25).
Coquitlam Coun. Terry O'Neill

The Editor,

Re. “Councillor wants province to ban union, corporate election money” (The Tri-City News, May 25).

Reading this article on funding of municipal elections raises my blood pressure. I have voted in every election I have been eligible to but have decided that municipal elections are hopeless.

I followed this funding story with interest after all elections and find it hard to be leave that 100% of successful candidates take five-digit donations. Does the term “there is no such thing as a free lunch” apply here?

How can Coquitlam Coun. Terry O’Neill take $16,950 in donations and not feel beholding to someone? Is he kidding?

Does it surprise you that Burke Mountain is full speed ahead with no schools, transit or community centres? Or that municipal wages are breaking records at an alarming rate?

If I were a developer or union representative, you bet I would want to grease the wheels.

If only someone would run that has at heart the interest of existing citizens instead of the interests of people yet to live here.

Steve Rayvals, Coquitlam