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LETTER: Port Moody's OCP needs more specifics

The Editor, Re. "Clay & Royer to face off in PoMo" (The Tri-City News, Sept. 5).

The Editor,

Re. "Clay & Royer to face off in PoMo" (The Tri-City News, Sept. 5).

If Port Moody Mayor Mike Clay really thinks that only 10 people opposed the official community plan (OCP) approved by Port Moody council, he was not paying attention.

Like many others, I attended the public meetings and presented constructive but critical suggestions for improvement that were mostly ignored by council. I agree with the stated principles behind the OCP and much of its content but there are serious deficiencies in specifics that will make it difficult for the city to ensure that developments will have desirable footprints and that the anticipated amenities, such as parks, will be provided. There is insufficient consideration of required new infrastructure such as playing fields and schools, and where they will be provided.

It makes sense to increase population density within the walking distance of the two Evergreen Line stations but the OCP perversely proposes to put high-density housing in established single-family neighbourhoods (such as Charles Street) that are not close to those stations nor even a potential third station (that is highly unlikely to be built).

While not yet finally approved, the OCP has already spurred land speculation that is dividing neighbourhoods.

This OCP was not an issue in the last election; it should be in this one. I welcome the opportunity to vote for a progressive new mayor and council that will revisit the OCP to ensure that essential features such as percentage of site coverage are included.

Bruce Brandhorst, Port Moody