The Editor:
Re: Coquitlam park neighbours fed up with 'annoying' pickleball noise, Tri-City News, Jan. 27, 2021
It is great to see residents highlighting the health benefit aspect of racquet sports, as well as the facility supply issues recently in the Tri-City News.
Racquet sports are fun, and a 25-year Danish study with 8,577 participants showed life longevity improvements of 6.2 years for badminton and 9.7 years for tennis players.
A national sports organization is highlighting this benefit to encourage additional courts.
The tennis life longevity benefits would not be astonishing to the 97-year-old, playing since age 30, who was recently hitting with Rafael Nadal.
The Danish study in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings felt that greater social interaction is involved in prolonging life, that the long-term benefits occur with physical activity providing cardiovascular and other health benefits, while group play provides a well-being benefit through a sense of support, trust, and commonality.
We need our local municipalities to provide for sufficient racquet sport courts to minimize conflicts, satisfy demand to provide for our physical and social benefits.
Tennis BC and Pickleball BC have provided their recommendations.
It is encouraging to see a recent petition to provide an opportunity for players voices to be heard.
- Bruce Kennedy Coquitlam pharmacist