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LETTER: MyED BC is not helping students

The Editor, It boggles the mind how the waste of taxpayers’ dollars can sometimes go undetected.

The Editor,

It boggles the mind how the waste of taxpayers’ dollars can sometimes go undetected.

MyEd BC is the newest data collection system paid for with precious Ministry of Education dollars. It replaces BCeSIS, a not-so-great data collection system previously used across the province for collection and storage of student data and information.

From most reports, after months of implementation, the new MyEd BC is still not functioning well, requiring many school staffs to waste time that could be used for other important tasks, such as directly helping students.

The Ministry of Education has not provided school districts with money for training in MyEd BC. I can only assume that each school district is responsible for finding funds for training, which will affect students yet again.

Who cares how our tax dollars are spent? I care. Scant educational funding should be spent as much as possible on directly supporting student learning. My boggled mind cannot fathom how MyEd BC is doing this.

Jennie Boulanger, Coquitlam