The Editor,
I am one of the fortunate people who has the option to work from the home most days, although there are a couple of days when I have to go to the office in downtown.
Finding a parking spot at Moody Centre or Coquitlam Central stations is impossible on weekdays and all the surrounding streets have three- or a four-hour limits.
I don't see any movement by the cities of Port Moody or Coquitlam to add more spaces anywhere around the stations.
So, in the long term, we need more spaces or other options.
In the short term, could the two city councils at least speak to the folks who run the parking system as they have the Pay by Phone app that people use to pay and enter a stall number? What we need is for the app to show the availability beforehand so that one would know before driving to the lot.
It's a small tweak in the process and app that would not cost much (if any) since the information is already there in their system with the number of stalls taken.
Amr Selim, Port Moody